Our mission

We are building a Tech Stack for documentation that allows companies to leverage their efforts to strengthen all their processes. We are helping companies to prove their compliance with guidelines, regulations, and to provide high levels of quality, reliability, safety and security.

NuSafeX Document Intelligence

NuSafeX Document Intelligence boosts and secures your industrial processes. This is a Document Understanding platform based in the latest advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). It is able to extract, compare, validate and search data in a huge amount of industrial documentation. One can expect 85% acceleration in manual processing of such documents thanks to the tool, and 98% elimination of mistakes.

Document Intelligence

Deviation detection and evolution analyser

This unique tool, powered by LearnITy Knowledge Engine (LKE), detects potential problems by smart comparison of technical or scientific documents with expected data. It detects potential issues with the object being inspected, mistakes in new reports, and frauds. It is configurable to any expert specific problem, based on an domain expertise based thesaurus, and is simple to use.

The tool can:

Typically, important information extracted from a new audit/inspection report is compared with reference information extracted from a large corpus of already validated reports or from other certified sources (sensors, IoT, historical data, etc.) Any deviation of data from the new document with respect to the expected data is shown to the user, so that he can investigate the pinpointed potential problem. Moreover, the user can plot the evolution of important features and perform further analysis.

Securing Nuclear Industry documentation

After validation thanks to NuSafeX Document Intelligence, one can be confident that valid documentation is stored securely in databases. Nuclear Power Plants and other nuclear-related actors are connected to a shared data/documents information management system, backed-up by military-grade and quantum-resistant encryption and digital signature technologies. Encryption ensures security and confidentiality for operational data and documents, and signature preserves the integrity of validated documents.

One can distinguish three categories of data and documents for Nuclear Reactor Information Management:
Securing Nuclear
  1. 1. Incident, failure, and accident data: This is a legal obligation to transmit this information to nuclear safety authorities and governmental entities and (at least in part) to the public. At least part of this information is not confidential.
  2. 2. Regular operational safety & security inspection: under the form of inspection reporting documents too, at least some of them are confidential.
  3. 3. Plant regular operational data: this is generally raw data provided by monitoring sensors, that is recorded in internal databases.
  4. 4. Early warning data: this is specific data measured by sensors and providing out-of-range values with respect to expected values. They are used internally to detect potential issues before they occur, are used in real-time and are of course confidential.

While encryption ensures confidentiality and Access Rights Management to the proper actors, digital signature technology provides the insurance that data cannot be maliciously altered when stored.

This is a unique feature that NuSafeX Document Intelligence offers: critical documentation is perfectly validated before being secured by encryption techniques. Hence, this solution fosters Trust about critical operations to industrial actors, to governmental authorities and to the public.

NUclear Intelligence

Why use NuSafeX Document Intelligence?

Our solution is at the same time very simple to use but very powerful, at affordable prices. This is possible because it is industry and issue detection-oriented, in contrast with more general but more complex and pricy solutions existing on the market – and which cannot address specific expertise. Web-based, the solution can be hosted on the cloud of your choice, or installed on premise. We also offer free support for: installing, configuring and training the solution for your domain of expertise.